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  1. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    November 2012

    Payday loans are increasingly becoming a significant area of advice need at citizens advice bureaux, particularly amongst younger clients who are in employment. While this form of credit may meet the needs of some customers who experience difficulties accessing mainstream credit, bureaux report that many customers have experienced financial difficulties as a result of poor policies and practices in the industry.

  2. CAS response to the BIS consultation on the supply of goods, services and digital content
    Publication date:
    October 2012

    The UK Government has consulted on their proposals to simplify consumer protection legislation.  The new Consumer Bill of Rights aims to harmonise European legislation into our own consumer protection laws, as well as simplifying many disparate pieces of current UK legislation.  Here, CAS gives its response to the proposals.

  3. Case evidence and statistics from the Scottish CAB Service
    Citizens Advice Scotland
    Publication date:
    October 2012

    This report provides a snapshot of the issues that are affecting consumers in Scotland, examining both national and local trends in consumer issues. This is based on data provided by the majority of citizens advice bureaux in Scotland and data from the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline. We will aim to publish Consumer Snapshot on a regular basis to provide an up-to-date overview of the issues facing consumers in Scotland.

    This report covers the first two quarters of the financial year 2012/13 from April-September 2012.

  4. A proposal for a Regulation from the European Commission
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    May 2012

    Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation. Our response does not address every question contained in the consultation document. Rather it focuses on the aspects regarding consumer protection and whether the proposed Common European Sales Law would achieve its stated purpose with regard to consumer choice.

  5. Publication date:
    May 2012

    Case evidence from citizens advice bureaux show that many clients have been asked to pay premiums by letting agents. These charges can have a significant impact on the individual’s finances and can put their tenancy at risk.

  6. Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    April 2012

    In consulting with Citizens Advice Bureaux and analysing the case evidence from bureaux clients, it is clear that consumers in remote communities face many barriers. 

  7. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    February 2012

    The key priority areas for citizens advice bureau clients primarily relate to the work of the OFT in the consumer credit and financial products markets. This response outlines the areas of work which we would like to see the OFT continue as priorities, and highlights areas of concern for further consideration by the OFT.

  8. Lyndsay Russell
    Publication date:
    February 2012

    In January 2012 CAS coordinated a national campaign event called Big Energy Week. The aim was to encourage Scottish consumers to check their energy tariffs and their entitlement to free insulation and assistance with their energy bills.

  9. Problems with delivery of online purchases to consumers in remote and rural Scotland
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    December 2011

    This evidence report explores the experiences of consumers in rural and remote areas of Scotland, who are often refused delivery or charged more than people in urban areas when ordering goods online.

  10. Scams and their victims
    Lucy Manson
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    A report on the impact of scams on the most vulnerable in society. 

  11. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    September 2011

    Report showing a snapshot of Scottish citizens advice bureaux debt work in 2010/11.

  12. Publication date:
    September 2011

    CAS’s response to the government consultation on the simplification of the consumer landscape, including the transfer of Consumer Direct's advice-giving work to Citizens Advice Scotland and Citizens Advice (England and Wales) in April 2012.

  13. Publication date:
    September 2011

    CAS interim response to the BIS Empowering and Protecting Consumers consultation.

  14. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    August 2011

    A short report from Citizens Advice Scotland detailing recent case evidence on debt management companies from Scottish citizens advice bureaux.

  15. Publication date:
    July 2011

    Response from Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland to the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission. The response supports the objective to gain straightforward private rights of redress for misleading and aggressive practices.

  16. Publication date:
    June 2011

    Citizens Advice Bureau evidence on the consumer problems caused or exacerbated by the recession

  17. Lucy Manson
    Publication date:
    June 2011

    Response to OFCOM's consultation on tackling unexpectedly high bills or 'bill shock' in telecommunications . Views sought on why these occur, the impact of these bills, and preventative measures.

  18. Publication date:
    April 2011

    This briefing looks at problems with mobile phone, landline, and internet services including unclear terms and conditions, hidden costs, and mis-selling.

  19. Publication date:
    February 2011

    Joint response from Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland to the The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO) consultation on the operation of  the Department for Business, Innovation and Skill (BIS) Civil Sanctions Pilot.

  20. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    December 2010

    This report is a detailed look at the consumer issues that clients bring to the Scottish CAB Service.

