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The Cost of Keeping Warm: Lived Experience of Energy and Vulnerability in Scotland Pilot

Research from Citizens Advice Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) received funding from SGN (Scotland Gas Networks) to provide policy insight and expertise on vulnerability in the context of fuel poverty and the just transition to net zero. The research was carried out with a focus group of CAB advisers and the launch of the Lived Experience of Vulnerability pilot during which four CAB clients were interviewed on matters relating to their lived experiences of fuel poverty.  

The research findings provide evidence and narrative around client experiences of the fuel poverty condition and vulnerable circumstances. It shows that fuel poverty cannot be effectively addressed in isolation from other aspects and drivers of vulnerability. Fuel poor households present multiple, holistic issues and therefore require multiple, dynamic solutions which tackle the root causes of fuel poverty.

Read The Cost of Keeping Warm Policy Briefing summarising the main findings and recommendations here

Access the full report here

Isabella Williams
Publication date
June 2024
Publication type
Number of pages