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Consumer Insights on the Future of the Gas and Electricity Distribution Networks in Scotland

In 2019, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) commissioned research to ascertain consumers’ views on and experiences of the gas and electricity distribution networks in Scotland, and their priorities for future distribution network investment. We also explored the attitudes of consumers in Scotland towards some of the potential changes in electricity use that may be required as the energy system evolves to support Scottish and UK Government climate change targets, and consumers' understanding and opinions of some of the technologies that are envisaged to aid the energy transition. In addition, we explored consumers’ views on a potential increase in the electrification of heat in Scotland, and their enthusiasm for and opinions of future opportunities to provide flexibility to their electricity distribution network operator.

This report summarises the results of our research and considers how Scotland’s gas and electricity distribution networks might be able to help redefine consumers’ relationship with the energy system in support of Scottish and UK Government climate change policies. It is published alongside a summary of its key findings and the final report compiled by our research partner, Accent.

Alastair Wilcox
Publication date
September 2020
Publication type
Number of pages