Job Details
More about the job
To provide immediate advice, information and representation to vulnerable individuals engaged in the Alcohol or Substance recovery process, provide 2nd tier consultancy support to colleagues within Forth Valley Alcohol or Substance recovery services and where necessary, refer and support clients to access appropriate advice agencies
The advice and representation offered will focus on the consequences of the Welfare reform Act and the economic downturn – seeking to resolve the practical barriers and stressors that inhibit Alcohol or Substance misuse recovery – primarily (but not exclusively) Money, Benefits, Debt, and Housing.
The two CAB Addiction Advice Project workers (each 0.8 FTE) will cover the Forth Valley Alcohol & Drug Partnership (ADP) area. One will be based in the North Team (Livilands) covering Stirling and Clackmannanshire; the other will be based in the South Team (Falkirk Community Hospital). Proximity and access to advice on the frontline is essential and the workers would construct their availability and geographic location to maximise opportunity for ADP staff and clients to engage with the minimum of obstacles.
The project is fixed term for two years tied directly to ADP funding (continuation will be dependent on future funding).
An application pack can be downloaded below.
For further information or for an informal chat about the posts, please contact Craig Anderson, Bureau Manager on 01786 464773 or email
Stirling CAB delivers free, confidential, impartial and independent information, advice, and support and representation services to the citizens of the area regardless of their age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, gender or any other social factor. Information, advice and support are provided on a very wide range of issues, with the greatest demand relating to welfare benefits, employment, consumer debt, housing and legal issues.
The Bureau strives to deliver services that are efficient and effective, provide value for money, are fit for purpose and meet client needs as fully as possible. The mixture of city, towns and rural villages present particular challenges in terms of service configuration and delivery which are being met using a variety of different approaches to suit local need.