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Price cap increase a “Hogmanay hangover from hell”

23 November 2023

Responding to the announcement that the Energy Price Cap will increase on 1 January 2024, Citizens Advice Scotland Social Justice spokesperson Matthew Lee said:

“Millions of people in Scotland are worried about their energy bills this winter, and an increase in the price cap in January will be a Hogmanay hangover from hell for many. 

“We’ve faced the worst cost of living crisis in living memory and people have had their financial resilience worn down. Bills going up after Christmas, as usage is higher due to the cold weather, will create really difficult spending choices for many.

“Citizens Advice Scotland wants to see a social tariff in the energy market which targets support at those on the lowest incomes. Until then, people from any background should know that the Citizens Advice network is here for them.

“Lots of people may not realise that they don’t have to go to a CAB to get advice and information from our network. We have online self-help tools and advice pages that can help you see where you can cut your costs, boost your income, and understand your rights with your energy supplier. Check to find out more.

“We get real results for people, last year the average gain for energy advice was more than £400. People who saw a gain from advice more broadly were £3,700 better off.”



“From 1 January 2024 the price for energy a typical household who use gas and electricity and pay by Direct Debit will go up by £94. This will take the price cap from £1,834 to £1,928 per year.”:

Half of people in Scotland cite energy bills as their top financial concern this winter, with 1.4 million worried about adequately heating their home:

CAS is running “Worried this winter”. Tweet/X post to embed in online copy is here:

Details on how to get advice are here: