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CAS Consultation Response: Open Letter to Stakeholders

Ensuring the water and sewerage non-household retail market works well for customers

CAS supports the Commission’s view that the time is right to undertake a review of the regulatory framework of the non-domestic water and sewerage market in Scotland.

We welcome the proposal to establish a Sales and Switching Code of Practice but believe that it must also encompass areas such as the levels and quality of customer service, customer engagement, and debt recovery practices. Whilst we welcome being consulted on changes to the Market Code, we are of the view that the process must also assess what impact, if any, the proposed change would have on consumers. Furthermore, it is imperative that the market code remains accessible to those customers in terms of location and language. We are of the view that the Market Code would benefit customers by being made accessible in a Plain English format that is easily understood.

R. McGeachy
Publication date
December 2015
Publication type