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In-work Poverty - Parliamentary briefing

Scottish Parliament debate - 'An End to In-Work Poverty'

The most recent figures from the Scottish Government show that in-work poverty is rising. The majority of working age adults in poverty (52%) are now from working households and it is not the case that work by itself is a route out of poverty. Citizens advice bureaux in Scotland are reporting a growing number of cases where clients are in work, but are struggling to pay for essentials. Citizens Advice Scotland’s ongoing ‘Working at the Edge’ series of publications examines the growing problems caused by in-work poverty through the stories of the thousands of clients advised by citizens advice bureaux in Scotland, and makes recommendations for change.

This briefing focusses on a number of causes of in-work poverty in Scotland, as reported by Scotland’s CAB network:

  • Zero Hours Contracts

  • Low Pay

  • Childcare costs and availability

  • Lack of support from the benefits system

  • Unfair employment practices

Rob Gowans
Publication date
March 2015
Publication type
Number of pages