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Fair Enough?

Protecting Scotland’s Workers from Unfair Treatment

The Citizens Advice Service has seen an increase in new employment issues brought by clients over the past year. Some of these issues are examples of extremely unfair employment practices which place clients in a difficult, complex and miserable situation. This report examines the unfair employment cases brought to bureaux and makes recommendations for how the system can be improved. There are numerous examples of unfair employment present in the report alongside specific case studies from clients across Scotland.

Citizens Advice Scotland believes more should be done to promote fair employment and ensure that unfair employers are brought to account. In the report, we make a number of recommendations for how the system should be improved including: improvements to the Employment Tribunal system; strengthening the rights of zero hours contract ‘workers’ and enforcing employment law and promoting fair employment including establishing an Employment Commission - a new statutory body to oversee the enforcement of employment law.

The full report and a summary version can be downloaded here.

Rob Gowans
Publication date
February 2015
Publication type
Other downloads